There is a growing trend within Christianity no one is talking about… Christians are leaving the church in droves! Seriously, when was the last time you went to church? Has it been a few weeks, a couple of months, years? While those polled will often cite their lack of attendance on the fact they’ve gotten busy, I have found an increasing number have left the church because they have grown tired of an approach more interested in attracting seekers than caring for their members!

It’s sad, but in a model that boasts of being a “church for the un-churched” the development of healthy Christians has taken a backseat. Have you experienced this trend? Has the church service you attend grown superficial and shallow? Do you ever leave a Sunday service longing for something deeper, more impactful, and simple? Does the church seem more focused on reaching new people at the expense of caring for those who already attend?

At Calvary316 we believe many people have left the church because the church has failed in its core mission. I know this sounds novel, but it is our unapologetic desire to be a church for the Christian! Our Sunday service centers on teaching God’s Word in an honest and challenging way. We go through books of the Bible and don’t avoid controversial passages.

While our worship is contemporary, we are more interested in exalting the name of Jesus than in providing an entertaining rock show. When it’s all said and done our heart is to be an authentic, simple manifestation of what Jesus has called His church to be! If this resonates with you and you’ve been craving a church that is serious about seeing Christians encounter Jesus and grow in His grace, let me invite you to visit Calvary316 for our in-person Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. If you are not comfortable coming in person, you can always watch our service on our FACEBOOK page or via our YOUTUBE channel.

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