
Ladies Bible Study

The ladies of Calvary316 recently began an 8-week study by Priscilla Shirer covering the prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17 and 18) on Monday nights from 7-8:15 PM at the church. Even if you haven’t been able to attend any of the previous studies, we still encourage you to come out and enjoy a great study and a wonderful time of fellowship. The only Monday we won’t be meeting will be Labor Day — September 2nd. If you have any questions reach out to Penny Geller on Sunday or email Jessica Adams — [email protected]. Please note childcare is not provided.

Youth Conference

Calvary Youth Events:

Summer Youth Retreat: July 11-14th… As we do every summer Calvary316 will be attending the Calvary Chapel Deep South Youth Conference hosted by Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain. The conference with hundreds of kids from all over the Deep South begins Thursday evening and runs through lunch on Saturday. In addition to worship and relevant Bible studies, there are all kinds of fun outdoor activities – including a huge dodgeball tournament! For our kids, the Haydells have graciously agreed to open up their home to be our base camp. With plenty of space, it will be easy for Derek and Kellie to have designated areas for the boys and girls to sleep and shower. Drop off will be Thursday, July 11th at 4 PM, and pick up will be at the church following our service on Sunday, July 14th. The cost is $100 which covers conference registration, food, transportation, and chaperones. If you have any questions, please email our Youth Pastor Derek Kennedy at [email protected].

Halloween Outreach

Tuesday night October 31st we’re going to be having our annual Halloween Outreach at the home of Pastor Zach. Because of the unique proximity of his neighborhood in a roughly rural area, thousands of families flock to his street to go trick-or-treating. Not only will our church have a bounce house in the driveway, provide face-painting for the kids, and hot coffee for parents, we will also undoubtedly give away TONS of candy in the name of Jesus. For the volunteers who come out, please bring some chili to share with your church family! If you’d like to donate candy or if you’re planning to come help, please email [email protected].

Financial Review Meeting

On Monday, January 22nd at 7 PM Pastor Zach will be hosting a Financial Review Meeting where he’ll overview the 2023 P&L as well as vision-cast for 2024 and beyond. With this in mind, if you consider yourself a member of Calvary316 or are interested in becoming one, we encourage you to make this meeting a priority. Childcare will be provided and the meeting will conclude at 8 PM. While we plan to video record the meeting copies will only be made available to members who are unable to attend upon request. The meeting will NOT be live-streamed.

Band of Brothers

We’d like to invite the men of Calvary out for a special “Eat, Pray, Shoot” event on Saturday, November 11th at 10 AM. The morning will begin with an outdoor fire breakfast, followed by a time of prayer. Once the important things are done, the rest of our time will be spent enjoying target practice on the Parkin Range. Feel free to bring any guns you’d like to shoot with enough ammo to share with your brothers. If you have any questions about this event, would like to volunteer to help, or need directions please reach out to Nick Mauney at [email protected].

Pneuma Service

In Romans 12:4 the Apostle Paul wrote, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them!” While it’s true every Sunday the Holy Spirit is clearly at work in our church speaking to us through His Word and that many of the gifts are already evident in the way they manifest organically, it is our conviction these blessings can be enhanced by setting aside time to wait on the moving of the Holy Spirit and giving an opportunity for the gifts to work in our midst corporately.

With this in mind, Wednesday, November 15th we’re going to have a special Pneuma Service. Aside from an extended set of worship, Pastor Zach will be leading a time where we allow the Gifts of the Spirit to manifest and minister in our church community. Doors will open at 6 PM with a free spaghetti dinner. Our service will begin at 7 PM and conclude no later than 8:15 PM. Nursery and childcare will be provided! If you are a follower of Jesus, we encourage you to come out and join us!


On November 26th, directly following the Sunday service, we’ll be having our monthly Church Potluck. The theme is “JB’s Famous Gumbo” so we encourage everyone to bring their favorite dish to share as well as Tupperware if you’d like to take some leftovers home. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to bring additional items such as plates, drinks, ice, or utensils, simply email Pastor Zach at [email protected].

Ladies Christmas Party

Jessica Adams would like to invite all the ladies of Calvary316 to her home Friday night, December 1st from 7-10 PM for a special “Favorite Things Christmas Party!” Everyone that comes is encouraged to bring one thing they love and three of that same item wrapped to exchange. We’d ask that you spend no more than $15 for each item ($45 total) and a minimum of $5 per item. Please don’t include gift cards. You’re encouraged to be creative & keep your item a secret! By the end of the night, everyone will leave with three favorite items from the other ladies. The attire for this event will be your favorite Christmas pajamas and you can RSVP to bring a charcuterie board, hors d’oeuvres, or a dessert to share. Drinks will be provided. If you plan to attend, please email [email protected].

Youth Event

Youth Event: Christmas with the Kennedy’s

We’d like to invite all the 6th through 12th graders to join Pastor Derek and his wife Kellie at their home on December 15th for a special event titled, “Christmas with the Kennedy’s”. This will begin around 5 pm and wrap up at 9. In addition to food, fun, and fellowship, they’ll be doing a “White Elephant” exchange and would ask everyone to bring a gift under $10 to exchange. If you are planning to attend or would like more information please email [email protected].


Linguistically, the word “Sabbatical” finds its root in the Biblical term “Sabbath.” While it has a more broad application than our understanding of a weekly Sabbath, a Sabbatical is a period of time set aside for intentional rest and relaxation. More than simply being a vacation, you might think of a Sabbatical as a break from the normal grind for the specific purposes of refreshment and renewal.

At Calvary316 there is no doubt our Sunday morning service is 100% dependent on our faithful volunteers. Every aspect to making Sunday morning a unique and special experience requires the sacrifice of both time and energy from our members. Knowing that over the course of a 52-week year this can become a grind, we have decided to set aside Sunday, December 31st as a church-wide Sabbatical. Whether you utilize this weekend as an opportunity to schedule a family vacation or simply choose to relax at home, we hope you enjoy the break and come back the following Sunday renewed and refreshed.

Linguistically, the word “Sabbatical” finds its root in the Biblical term “Sabbath.” While it has a more broad application than our understanding of a weekly Sabbath, a Sabbatical is a period of time set aside for intentional rest and relaxation. More than simply being a vacation, you might think of a Sabbatical as a break from the normal grind for the specific purposes of refreshment and renewal.

At Calvary316 there is no doubt our Sunday morning service is 100% dependent on our faithful volunteers. Every aspect to making Sunday morning a unique and special experience requires the sacrifice of both time and energy from our members. Knowing that over the course of a 52-week year this can become a grind, we have decided to set aside Sunday, July 7th as a church-wide Sabbatical. Whether you utilize this weekend as an opportunity to schedule a family vacation or simply choose to relax at home, we hope you enjoy the break and come back the following Sunday renewed and refreshed.

Home Group

If you’re looking for a way to develop a greater connection with the Calvary316 family, we’d like to invite you to join Larry & Leslie Parkin at their home Thursday nights at 7 PM. In addition to a conversational style Bible study, these nights include a great time of fellowship, prayer, and community development.  Child care is provided. For directions to Larry’s house, a schedule of meeting dates, or for more general information, email him at [email protected].

Mom's Mornings Out

Whether you’re an empty-nester or a new mom we’d like to invite all of the mothers of Calvary316 to join Jessica Adams at the church around 10 AM for a time of fellowship and conversation while the kids play. Coffee and donuts will be provided, but we’d ask that you plan to pack a lunch for your little one. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP each week by texting Jessica at 404-803-2723.

Connecting Point

On Sunday, May 5th, we’re going to be having our next Connecting Point. Once a month before the church service (9:15-10:00 AM) Mike Bower is going to be leading a small group in the Kidzone. Open to all, in addition to refreshments, this time is dedicated to building community as well as spending time in prayer. For more information, you can email Pastor Zach at [email protected].