What is the challenge? In the world of international Christian missions, missionaries often struggle with navigating the cultures to which they are called. Simple things that we would consider an everyday errand, from getting a driver’s license, getting an oil change on the car, or paying a water bill can be a daunting task in foreign cultures, to old and new missionaries alike. These tasks can be frustratingly distracting from the focus of the various ministry responsibilities.

What is the solution? The Snipes family provides support to missionaries in the field, by entering the same mission field alongside the missionaries. However, the focus of their ministry is unique. Essentially becoming missionaries to missionaries; through their ministry Bridges Across the Mission Field based in Siguatepeque, Honduras, the Snipes family, serve alongside the various missionaries serving the Honduran people.

How is Calvary316 helping? In addition to regular financial contributions, pastoral counsel, and logistic aid, Calvary316 has decided to provide Bridges Across the Mission Field with a periodic boost in personnel support through short-term trips; focused on helping the Snipes family accomplish the goals of their ministry.

Next Trip:  February 2-8, 2025 | What will Calvary316 do in Honduras? The talents and gifts of the members of Calvary316 are vast, just like the Bible indicates. There are plenty of things to be done, therefore, the goals of each trip will change, depending on the skills and gifts of those going. If you are interested in joining us in February, email our Missions Pastor Justin Holcombe — [email protected].

To donate directly to the Snipes family or to sponsor our trip in February, please click on the Breeze icon, enter your donation amount and frequency, click continue, add your credit or debit information, and then designation in the comments section whether your gift is for the “Snipes Family” or the “2025 Mission Trip.”

Bridges Across the Mission Field: Kenneth and Nikki Snipes along with their two children, Jack and Mary, are serving in full-time ministry in Siguatepeque, Honduras. The Snipes family focuses on Missionary Support. By coming alongside missionaries, pastors, and organizations already serving in Honduras they aim to see the Honduran people encouraged, equipped, and empowered to apply the Gospel in their daily lives. They work to extend the reach of missionaries to further the kingdom of Jesus through the discipleship and empowerment of His people in Honduras.